One of the first things I ever baked is still one of my most requested. And these bite sized Frangipane tarts are simple to make and mouth meltingly soft, crumbly and sweet. Delicious…
Blueberry Frangipane
I don’t make the traditional frangipane in a tart case, I use silicone moulds and just the wet ingredients.

Ingredients: 100gms unsalted butter 100gms caster sugar 100gms ground almonds 2 eggs Blueberries Flaked almonds Icing sugar to dust on top to decorate
Method: Preheat oven to 170⁰C
Choose some moulds you want to use and grease them. Beat the butter and sugar until light & fluffy, then add the eggs one at a time, beating each time. Add the ground almonds and fold in. Pour into the prepared moulds up to ¾ full. Drop a few blueberries on to each cake, quantity will vary depending on individual cake size.
Sprinkle over the flaked almonds and bake for appx 20-25 mins.
They are ready once browned on top and firm to the touch. Leave to cool on a wire rack. Dust with icing sugar to serve.