The cause of endless arguments over hundreds of years. Cream or jam first? In Cornwall the jam goes on first. Apparently this is how the Queen prefers it. The Devonshire method is for the cream first as shown in the image above, but I guess you could always turn it over to suit your preference 😁.
Scones may have originated in Scotland with the earliest reference in 1513.

Miniature Plain Raisin Scones
Ingredients: 160gms self raising flour 55gms unsalted butter 40gms caster sugar 30gms raisins (for half quantity) 2 tbsp milk ½ tsp baking powder 1 egg Pinch of salt
Whipped cream & strawberry jam to serve
Method: Preheat oven to 200⁰C and prepare a baking tray lined with parchment paper.
Place the butter and all dry ingredients in a bowl and mix well until the mixture resembles coarse breadcrumbs. At this stage add the egg and milk. Continue to mix until you have a soft dough, (but you don’t want it to be too sticky. (If I find it is I add a little extra flour).
Tip out onto a lightly floured surface, depending on if you want all raisin / plain scones, or a mixture of both, split the dough now and add the raisins, kneading briefly to work them in. Roll out dough to a few centimetres thick and then fold half over the other and start to cut out the scones using a disc shaped cutter. Once you can’t fit any more, reroll the dough and repeat the process until the dough is finished.
Place the scones on a baking tray and brush the top of them with milk or an egg wash. Bake for appx 12 mins for mini scones, 15 mins for larger ones. Leave to cool on a wire rack.
Serve with whipped or clotted cream and strawberry jam.